Frequently Asked Questions
Where do Alumni Dues go?
60 % Half of the dues go toward supporting the website and supporting Alumni communication and brotherhood.
30 % Goes toward supporting the Auburn TKE Chapter in selected projects
10% Goes toward recognizing Auburn TKE Graduation and accomplishments.
Nothing goes to Alumni volunteers.
What is the Alumni Chapter registered as
A non-profit Corporation in the State of Alabama.
Dues and Events Fees are not tax deductible.
Who are the officers?
David Nordness is the President (Retired and lives in Auburn. AL)
Clark George is the Vice President (Retired and lives in Savannah, GA)
John Anderson is Treasured (Retired and lives in Columbus, GA)
Where does my money go?
All money spent on the website store s deposited into an independent account at Auburn Bank. Checks sent to officers are deposited at the account at Auburn Bank